23 February 2009

Crappy ass weeks...

The weeks from hell, oh well everything haven't been hellish but it does feel like something doesn't want us to stay in this country.
*No jobs (well I do have my hours at Goldfish but it isn't enough at all....)

As I said, everything hasn't been hellish. I must say that i am very happy that i said yes to hang around with the guys,Christo and Ginski, that turned up at goldfish 2 weeks ago. Funny as hell, helpful and just freakishly nice :)
Me and Michaela has been hanging around at their place a lot lately, me more then her. And the help we've gotten is awesome, thanks guys!
Well we just realized, with help from Christo, that we must have had both bedbugs and scabies..... wiiiieeeeeee*ironic*.... Well well, the landlord finally realized that he had to get someone over there to spray the entire apartment for bugs. Well Christo helped us with that too. Mister helpful himself :D
He took us to Manly for lunch the other day and that was awesome, me and Michaela needed to get out of the "bughouse". Found the store Michaela bought the julmust from and we bought some turkisk peppar, djungelvral and daim :D oh yeah and some julmust ofcourse! wiiieeeeee!!!

Now I just need a job so I can work for 5 weeks and then have a vacation the last week. To do loads of fun, hopefully!

See you soon people ;D

18 February 2009

Gronare gras pa andra sidan jorden? Nope!

Hej vanner! Hur har ni det hemma i Sverige? Har ar det val sadar ska jag erkanna. Jag kan inte ens skryta om att vadret ar bra da det har svikit oss i sisadar en veckas tid. Och jag har trottnat pa regnet! Jag akte inte till andra sidan jorden for att duscha ute, utan for att bada i det harliga havet. Verkar vara lite missforstand mellan mig och gubben dar uppe... 

I alla fall, vi letar jobb for fullt. Hm. Nu ljog jag, vi letar idag for vi har inte vagat oss ut fran lagenheten pa ett tag da det uppstatt konstiga utslag over hela vara kroppar. Jepp, sa sant som det ar sagt. Nasty it is. Nu undrar sakert ni dar hemma vad detta fenomen kan vara(forutom min far som skrattade brallorna av sig nar jag berattade over telefon;)). Efter att vi hade flyttat in i varan nya lagenhet sa drojde det inte lange forrens dem har ackliga utslagen tog over vara kroppar(det later varre an vad det ar). Jag gick till doktorn och kollade mina(Jennifers kom senare) och han hade inget riktigt bra svar pa vad det var, sa jag la ut pengar pa besok och medicin som inte hjalpte for ca 130 Aus dollar(ca 750 Sv:- ). Nagra dagar senare sa gar jag med Jennifer till en annan doktor som ar battre och med medtaget bevis(sma kryp i en ikeaburk) konstaterar doktorn som var skitbra forovrigt att vi har fatt skabb av var madrass. FY FAN! Kanns som det varsta som kan handa men som min far sa, det kunde ha varit varre. 

"Graset ar inte alltid gronare pa andra sidan"

11 February 2009

Life on the Wylde side of the street ;)

Our life here on Wylde street is pretty good except that Michaela is quite bored when I go off to work at the evenings. But I make sure to cuddle here a bit extra when I get back in the middle of the night ;D

Lately I have experienced throat pains.....again..... And I am tired and I just feel all ermmmyuckie...

:) So dearly friends and relatives, prepare! Since I work every weekend there haven't been a lot of partying lately, but I did have a night out Saturday night after I finished working at 3 in the morning. I took a drink with two costumers I have been talking a lot to and they were very funny and easy going. We took a couple of drinks at goldfish, talked about loads of random crap and then decided to go someplace else. Since I was the lady of the company I had to decide where to go. And i said...... (hold on to your hats now people) .... I want to go to a strip club! the lads were a bit surprised but the laughed and said ok .so now I have been to a strip club for the first time in my life, and I didn't see any fake boobs at all! Which i actually appreciated. hahaha. The strippers all stood around me talking since I was the only girl there, like ever. And the lads was just laughing and telling me I must be the most random and fun person ever :D I also have to admit I am going out to dinner with one of them tonight. Guess It will be a quiet night since I feel a bit sick and all.

What else.... Oh yeah, I miss Swedish television and still I miss Liquorice!

08 February 2009


Okeeej, da sitter man vid datorn igen, men inte pa gamla vanliga internet cafet, nej nu sitter jag pa ett stalle i Kings Cross, 15 min ifran dit vi flyttat. Allt kanns jattebra med nya lagenheten, med balkong som vi at frukost pa igar och eget kok och badrum. A Girls Apartment ar det nu.
Letar jobb for fullt och har fatt ett som handlar om att salja sig in i foretag. Typ. Ska pa mote om det pa torsdag och fredag, sa jag hoppas att jag far det, har lite ont om cash. Men det ska nog ga bra!
Igar sa gick jag och froken J till en simbassang for att svalka oss lite, lag jattefint vid vattnet, vid en stor park. Skont att svalka sig i den har hettan, tydligen sa skulle det kunna vara sa att just Sydney var varmaste platsen pa jorden igar enligt nyheterna, men det kanns lite otippat. Men men, jag tror stenhart pa allt jag hor och ser! ;)
Nu ar det mindre an 2 manader kvar tills vi kommer hem igen, kanns lite knasigt att det bara ar 8 veckor tills vi landar pa svensk mark. Kanns bade bra och daligt. Men ska jag erkanna sa kommer det nog kannas mest bra i alla fall om ett tag. Langtar efter er dar hemma sa mycket! Spannande ocksa att jag ska borja pa en annan position pa jobbet nar jag kommer hem, efter den har resan sa klarar jag ju allt! Langtar efter det!
Puss och Kram!

04 February 2009

What I miss

I miss my family and relatives, but that is a given isn't. But is it OK for me to leave it out just because it is a given? nah not at all... :) I miss you guys!
Some other things i miss:

*My friends
*My bed
*My computer
*Grandmas pancakes
*Ippai Ippai sushi
*My bike
*To paint
*To have alone time
*To sing
*Dance around naked ;D
*Doing crossword pussels with my auntie and grandmother
*Listening to music, playing computer games and cooking with Niklas
*My bathtub
*My dads house

God this is hard....

Cause there is a lot of things i will miss when I leave this place too. So damn hard..
I am sooo going to miss Clare, Amy, Christy... Wish I can bring them to Sweden and just have them as neighbours. I am going to miss the ocean, cause it gives me such good inspiration and makes me calm. I am going to miss the mall and it's crazy stores. Going to miss the people at work and I am definitely going to miss the sun....

Oh well two more months and I don't know what to think or feel.

Surely miss you all though :)

Big kiss!