03 June 2009


It´s always darkest before the dawn... I still believe in that and I hope that I can find some peace after all of this crap is over. I am pretty sure that I can actually be happy in Australia since people are more like me. And I don´t have to be cold, lonely or bored. The sun will keep me warm and the amount of people living there will always keep me busy so I don´t have time to think about annoying, stupid stuff.
Sure, you sometime wish that your life was a perfect fairytale. But if everything was perfect we would not appreciate it as much. Still wish my prince charming would realise whom he is and just get over here and sweep me off my feet. I am more then ready ;)
Oh well, in the meantime I am trying to figure out what to do about the job situation. I´m doing my best, really..... And during the time that I am still unemployed I´m painting, writing lyrics, go for a jog etc etc.
Hopefully I will be happy enough to endure the time I am here in Sweden...
Well it is my birthday tomorrow and my birthday party on Saturday, so hopefully that will cheer me up :D

That's all from me folks, for now anyways ;)