22 March 2010


It is Tuesday, I survived Monday.. Pew... Four more days of agony ;)
So many things keeping me up at night, wish that it could stop so I'm at least not tired.
Drinks on Saturday people? Hell yeah! Some beach time before that and I should be golden :D
God I don't make any sense today. Lack of sleep always get to me xD Must be the blondness ;)
Hi ho Hi ho off to work I go!


Unknown said...

I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. It’s a very great blog. I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it. Keep doing. Nice blog. I will keep visiting very often.
(BBQ)Brick Barbecue Grill and Garden Ornaments

Jennifer said...

Thanks a lot :) It is mainly a blog to keep my family and friends updated about what I am doing and how I am feeling, so I don't have to tell the same story over and over again. But if other people find it interesting and fun too I am just happy about it :D I'll try to keep it up even after I've come back to Sweden then :)
Thanks once more!

Anonymous said...

I just wonder what is it that is keeping you awake till late in the nights? ;)
Sun is shinig så I guess soon you will be golden brown as I am naturally :)

Jennifer said...

11:15 isn't too late :D
I am usually up until after 1. A bit hard now thought since I am working too much and i need my sleep!

Jennifer said...

Oh and the fact that the time on my blog is still the Swedish time even though I am down here in Oz. Yeah that might be it. hehehe