Wonderful Christmas time. We had a nice Christmas after all and we got to celebrate it twice :D On Christmas eve we were at Karin and her boyfriends house eating loads of candy and food! We actually made a really nice risgrynsgrot out of sushi rice :) We even danced around the Christmas tree! Well i didn't, i filmed it all and laughed so hard i almost died instead :D Hopefully we can upload our films later on but now it takes toooooooo long so we don't have the time for it in the Internet cafe. When we came home after a long Christmas celebrating and loads of candy I found a package on my bed from my mom :) the funny book "gamla tanter lagger inga agg" and a very nice letter that made me feel all warm inside. thanks mom :D
On Christmas day we slept and slept, well at least tried to with the whole house full of Irish people..... In the afternoon we went to auntie Sandra and had a wonderful Aussie/new Zealand Christmas! Ham, turkey, salmon, the most wonderful tuna ever, and plenty plenty more :) they even bought us all some new Zealand food items as Christmas gifts :) I just love them, they are so friendly and wonderful people!
Now I guess me, Michaela, Harry and David are going to the beach to relax a bit here on boxing day. Hope you guys are good back at home!