Work is going good and we are getting loads of compliments both of us. Everything from compliments about our dresses to our great personality ;D And what to say, we like it!
Since work is taking so much from our time right now we haven't had time to do so many interesting things other then study wine lists, cocktails, menus, beers and champagne to learn EVERYTHING! But it feels kind of good to test your boundaries :)
I was working alone Monday as a waitress at Goldfish which was strange since we always have someone that opens and the other one closes. hmm.. but all went well and I was happy other then the fact that I wanted to chop my feet off ;D
A couple of days ago I went to meet Karin (a Swedish girl from work), her boyfriend and Michaela after work was done. We had a blast drinking some strange wine and eating great food :D
Tonight i am meeting up with a girl I worked with at the big sale out, Tone. And god she is loads of fun and so nice! And she looks like SUSSI! insane... Then Clare is going to come too and Karin, her boyfriend, Christy and her friend :D Poor Michaela is going to work but I guess she is meeting up with us later ^^
The 16:Th is the big opening at goldfish, that is going to be exciting!
But for now..... Take care darlings!
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