.... I was seriously thinking about going back home and just forgetting about everything that had to do with Australia. Now I am a bit happier and I would like to thank Karina and G for that! I had a nice and fun Saturday you guys :D Me and Karina had pre drinks at my place and then we headed of to the Cross! The weirdest part is that we went to my old workplace, Goldfish... Ehummm... It was my idea to go there just to see what the fuck was going on. The bouncer was very happy to see me which I liked. No one likes to stand in lines ;D And the owner was quite happy to see me to which was wierd... We all know that I did not like those guys after what happened the last time I was working there! And I actually got asked if I wanted to start working again xD And fuck yeah it felt good to say NO!!!! hahahahaha mahahahaha!
Met Dardan again, the bartender, which was fun. Happy he didn't make me drink tequila though ;D
Shortly after we came to the place, I called G over with friends and brother whom were celebrating their cousins birthday.
I got seriously hit on by a weird guy who didn't stop. And i had to tell him that I was married and had a kid until he actually gave up, felt bad about the whole thing and bought me a drink! And he did try to force one on G which was hilarious xD
All I need to say is that I had fun and yes people, I did get a bit drunk ;D
I must say that I am very disappointed about the new shoes I had on! I lost a heal :( Going back with those mofos to the store this weekend!
Yepp I got my weekends back btw. Now I am working 8 hours a day on two different coffee shops on Sydney university of NWS campus. I start working at the first one at 10 in the morning until 2. Then I start at the other one at 4 until 8 in the evening. I'm home around 8:15 which is an alright time.
A random thing happened on the way home from work tonight. I kicked a possum in the stomach by accident :-S I was minding my own business walking and all of a sudden I could feel my foot hitting something hard. Hahaha stupid Possum!
Now I am going to Spend some random time on the internet, learn something new and then doze off! Ahhhh sleep, I love you my dear friend!
This weekend must have some sunshine in store for me, cause I want some beach time! :) Anyone feel like joining me, give me a buzz! Oh and I also want to ( for some weird reason ) Go for some karaoke!! *claps hands and go crazy* Haven't done that since i went with Pernilla back in Sweden :) Sooooooo, up for that? Give me a call babes and bitches :)
1 comment:
Bra att du mår bättre:)
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