22 January 2010

I landed myself a job :D

Yepp! At Marcus Evans. My first real job really, with a potential to make big money and a potential sponsorship ;) Me likey loooong time! So I am starting on Wednesday next week :) I'll have a nice long weekend due to Australia day and then get to work! Earn some money and feel my brain growing! Sweet!

Yesterday Alex called me and wanted me to join her to do this theatrical dance session. So I was expecting it to be some really weird dancing! We got there and Alex paid my ticket since she wanted me to join her (CUTIE!). We came in a couple of minutes late so the stretching had started already. It looked good so we joined it! Then all hell broke loose and me and Alex just died from laughter! The dude leading the class was the smallest but biggest gay person I've ever met! hahaha! Jazz hands! Scooping, tango and hysterical twirls! hahahahahaha! Haven't been laughing like this in a long time xD But as I said to Alex, we were too good for that dance class, that's why we fucked up so bad! ;D It was funny and today I am soar in my belly from all of the good laughs :D Thanks again love for the experience. God knows what kind of class we will attend next time ;)

I had some nice couple of hours on Coogee beach! Was lying around just smiling, being happy and excited about life again! No more anti-depressants and I feel so good :D Think I did a pretty good job with the sunscreen too!

Tomorrow the Glebe market is on so me, Clare and Pete is going there to check it out! I so need a pencil skirt for work and some nice blouses! And a pair of pumps! Don't really have any working woman clothes :) And I do need a bead spread, I kind of miss mine from home ;D
would be swell to find an easel or something. I need to get painting again, miss it :)

Now me and Clare is having a calm evening at home. I am drinking a glass of "goon" ad we are in front of our computers listening to music :) sweet!

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