29 November 2009

Working, porn, video games... hahaha!

So what am I doing at the moment?
Buying things I need for my trip the 24:th ofc :)
But I am also working, working, working.

Thinking about having my going away party at the 19:th of December, what do you think about that people?
And then having some kind of Glögg (mulled wine) get together for my family and relatives.. hmmm... Guessing a FB invitation is coming up very soon ;)

Other then that I had a nice weekend! I was working as usual but I still managed to get some alcohol in me after work on Friday. It all ended up at an old schoolmate of mine, playing video games and drinking some beers :) Oh and he showed me that another old schoolmate is now making porn.. Yucky, nasty porn! None of the good stuff! She is pretty heavy and erm... nasty... :-S
Oh well I had a laugh about it anyway and then I forwarded all of the links to people ;D

Tomorrow I am going for some sushi with Niklas before I start working at 5. Money mooooney!

See ya folks ;)

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