05 April 2009

Havn't really gotten it yet.. I guess..

Before I start yapping on about not wanting to go back to cold and dark Sweden I have to say that I have skydived! And I loved it! Hopefully I get to do it when I come back. I say when cause somewhere I know I'm going to. You only get a WHV once, maybe twice if you are extremely lucky.. So yes I am coming back and I will do whatever it takes to get the second year visa :)
I had to say bye to Clare yesterday and it felt a bit weird since I cant really get that I am going back... *snickers* ohhh well, as Arnold would have put it; I will be back ;D ohh and she got me this really cute kiwi birdie to attach to my charm bracelet :) I love you babe and I know you know it, I am going to miss you terribly!
It seems like I am off to eat lunch now with Sto and his friend sooooo, have to go I guess, see you soon all!
oh and there will be pictures up from the skydive and the last weeks later on :)

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