18 March 2009

Comedy night, Birthdays and a whole lot of sweedes!

Well this is our new beach where we hang out most of the times, Bronte. Beautiful eyyyy?

Since Christo had to go to London for a funeral the Rhys Darby comedy thing we were going to together with the others was a bit messed up, but cute as he is he gave Michaela his ticket :) We had a nice evening and laughed loads!

Clare had her birthday party too. Me and Michaela went straight from the market where we sold Christos friends clothes. Was kind of fun to be honest :)
We were a bit tired but we soooo wanted to celebrate the bestest Clare in the whole wide w
orld! :D
And what to say what to say, there were more swedes at that party then there was Australian people!!
6 swedes!

And to wrap things up, we went out yesterday "celebrating" st Patricks day. Well not really celebrating but you know, had a couple of beers :D


Anonymous said...

Nu gäller det att ha så kul som det bara går, och göra så mycket som möjligt för snart är det hemfärd. Vilket jag tycker är underbart att få hem dig igen Jennifer. Vi längtar efter dig. Pussar och kramar till er båda

Anonymous said...

Jo jag ska gora mitt basta, Utan pengar ;) ar bara glad om jag far en massa mystid med mister sto :) puss!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for putting such an attractive photo of me on your blog! Any chance you can swap it for a less drunk-looking one???