Well in Canberra I was at Degas art exebition which was awesome. I have always loved his paintings so it was cool to see them upfront. The big dissapointment is that his biggest pieces wasn´t there, like "the star". But I was happy anyways :) And it is cool to say that you´ve been to the capital and that you saw Degas paintings ;D
On our way back we stopped at a place I can´t remember the name of where they had a big fucking ram! hahahahaa, all because they want to lure tourists there Clare said. And like good tourists we had some fun taking pictures with the ram at different angels ;D
We were home again at around 6-7 and I had to eat dinner and then get ready to go to work... which is loads of fun when you´ve been awake since eaaaaaaaarly. hehehehe. Started working 15 minutes to ten that evening and we close the bar at 7. Damn I was tired! So I let myself sleep yesterday, until 5 in the afternoon, and then I went to bed again at 1 at night. So now I am refreshed and happy :) going out for a walk today and some sunshine. Having 3 days off now so I guess there will be some beach hanging ;D
I miss you all terribly and i wish you were here.
"We´re like two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, year after year"

Hej på dig pluttan!
Härligt att du fått göra ngt annat än att jobba och bada hahaha. Kul att du fått se sådant som intresserar dig som konst, och lite vägvyer från bilffönstret. Vi längtar efter dig här hemma, allihop ska du veta. Men så länge du mår bra gör vi det oxå. Pussar och kramar i massor från oss alla.
Kul att du har det bra där borta.
Bra att du fick se huvudstaden.
Miss you.
Kramisar Mostis
Är lite nyfiken på hur det går för dig Mickis ute i stora landet. Har du fått se några gängerur? Hoppas att du lägger ut lite foton så att vi får hänga med på lite äventyr vi me. Kram på dig och ha det gott.
Hejsan! Michaelas mormor här! Ja snart är Michaela tillbaka till dig igen och ni kan ha kul ihop på hemmaplan!!!! Hoppas bara att hon hittar något jobb också för pengar behövs ju som vi vet.
Ha det bra!!!
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