27 January 2009

Moving out

Oh well, all things have to come to an end sooner or later and this was both expected and good for the both of us.
The idiot we rent the room from has always been a bit weird, he ripped us of of the Internet and he stopped saying hello and such. And when he wanted to say something to us he wrote notes and letters instead. You all may believe that it is the youngest one I am talking about, Sean, but nooooooo! It is Keith, the fuck Muppet, I am talking about. The one who should be the most grown up of us all.
Everything has been working out terrific and me and Michaela goes along soooo well with Sean, but Keith is just doesn't have any social skills at all and he doesn't have any friends since he behaves the way he does. I mean.... When his fellow countryman doesn't even like him at all then it is something wrong.
Me and Michaela has done nothing wrong at all in that house, we kept our stuff in our room, cleaned the house all the time, did the dishes and bought toilet paper. But he is kicking us out of the house anyways, he put a letter on our bed yesterday when we was out celebrating Australia day. We can't get it at all but we couldn't care less about pathetic creatures like him. It does feel like a relief not to see his ugly face every day and not to hear his annoying voice.
The best part is that we were thinking about moving anyways and we have already had contact with another landlord. He is going to call us tomorrow and tell us if we got the apartment or not, and I am feeling a positive feeling in my stomach about this so I think we are more then fine :)
We are going to take over Karin and Davids apartment in Potts point. Which means that we are two train stations from the beach still, we can walk in to town and to my job, we are closer to Amy and Christy, oh well we are closer to anything really except good clothing stores and etc which is quite good since we want to save up some money ;D
To summarise it all, we are feeling quite good about being kicked out two weeks from now. We aren't even going to mention it to him at all. the only thing I am going to give him hell about is that Sean told me that the Fuck Muppet pretended to be me over a text message and said to a guy that wants to go out to me that I want to see him for a drink and such. This is exactly what I am going to say; "How dare you pretend to be me in a text message! when i thought that you couldn't become any more pathetic you take the last step....." then just walk away.. going to feel sooooooo good ;D that small piece of pathetic shit hole...
oh well...

Big kiss to you all!


Anonymous said...

Hej flickor!
Vad är det som händer där borta? Låter inte klokt i mina öron. Vi hoppas att ni får den andra lägenheten och att det kommer att kännas bättre.Om nu sträckan till ditt jobb blir lite längre så var försiktig på vägen. Längtar efter dig så mycket nu Jennifer men jag hoppas att det går fortsatt bra för er båda, Pussar o kramar från familjen.

Jennifer said...

jag bor narmare jobbet mamsen sa det ar bara bra :D
det ar inte riktigt klokt att man bor med en 28 aring som beter sig som en fyraaring och inte ens ger en en anledning till att vi ska flytta ut, men enligt sean (den lille snalle) sa har han sagt att han har tva polare som ska komma och halsa pa. lagger man ihop ett och ett betyder det att han ska kasta ut oss for att fa plats med sina polare istallet. men men sak samma, vi hatade honom fran forsta gangen i stort sett sa :)

Anonymous said...

Hej tjejen! Allt händer av en anledning så det blir nog bra! Sköt om Dig/Er! Kramar A-K

Anonymous said...

En sån skitus stövlus han verkar vara men tur att ni har trixat till det nu. hoppas ni får den andra lägenheten
