I'm going to start by adding a song that Niklas mailed to me :D I love it!
Well me and Michaela are doing plenty of different things right now since we aren't working the same days as each other. Guess that is both good and bad. Good because we get a break from each other and bad cause we can't do as much things together anymore and the fact that the cab cost goes through the roof if we don't share it home after work.
I had a crazy weekend... ouuuff....
Friday i met up with Clare and had some wine. Michaela met up with us after she finished working and we had a blast :D was so nice talking to Clare and catching up! And she had made the cutest gingerbread cookies ever! I am going to take a pic of them and post it on FB as soon as I remember to get the cord to the camera with me to the Internet cafe :D
I worked Saturday but stayed after work with the four managers. well one of them left early :) Me and Dartan (bartender) stayed and had some drinks. trying out a lot of different ones since Ben would want us to know the difference between them. wow we go a bit drunk i tell you. and all of a sudden it was 2 o'clock in the middle of the day! oh god.. to make a long story short.... I went to bed at 3 in the afternoon the day after. hahaha. had a blast though. Now I am off to get some lunch and then I start working at 5. woooooaaaaa. and the big opening is tomorrow. Going to be loads of fun :D
Loads of kisses!
Hallo girls!
Det verkar som om det blir sena nätter för er hoppas att ni inte partar för mycket. För hur lång tid har ni jobbet? Under hela er vistelse eller? Är så sugen att komma ner och se hur ni har det(längtar efter dig Jennifer) på andra sidan.Sköt om varandra och ha det så underbart som bara den
Vad bra att ni har det trevligt over there. Kramar Mostis
En liten spark i baken inför invigningen!!!! Lycka till och hoppas baren går bra så Ni har jobb så Ni klarar Er! Pussar o kramar! A-K
Michaelas mormor här igen! Jag sa tidigare i dag att det var grått ute, men jag hade inte tittat så noga då, det var faktiskt sol och rätt så skönt när jag var ute och gick så man ska inte klaga hela tiden.
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