05 December 2008

Foodtastings and sofisticated coctail gatherings

Well well people. So what have we done since the IKEA trip on Sunday (When I just had 2 hours of sleep, for the record) ;D We killed another cockroach. Or well we didn't but our flatmate Sean did.. yuckie!!! I hate hate hate them :-S

Other than that we have been tasting drinks and the menu at Goldfish. And all I can say is that it is Yummo! And one of the bartender guys ain't that shabby either ;D

Yesterday I went out with some of the girls from work to go out for a couple of drinks, we managed to get our boss Ben out when we told him that he was going to have an entourage of 6 girls following him around. hahahahaha. Well we had a blast! Nice drinks and some pool playing at the last place we went to. Guess the pictures are going to pop up as soon as we remember to ask about the Internet... *Gaaaaaaaah*

What else.. hmmmm.... I had to screw the whole vaccumcleaner apart since the lads had broke it.. or well Keith.... damn you Keith ;D It was more dust and hair in the fans and filters than in the actual dust bag -_- well well what to do what to do...

Other then that I have managed to get really sick.. barley have a voice at all which is annoying. Especially since I start working on Sunday.. And talking about work and all, had a really bad day there when we were going to carry trays around with drinks on them :( I'm on a pill which makes you shake like hell, which doesn't really make it easier for me. I just felt like such an idiot and a looser. :( going to try to work with it I guess, but it was damn hard.. well well. *sigh*

Hope you guys are good back home.

big hugs!!


Anonymous said...

Michaelas mormor här igen!
Jag förstår att det är nervöst inför det nya jobbet. Hoppas ni lär er att bära brickorna rätt så ni inte blir skadade i ryggen eller nån annanstans. Vill ju att ni ska komma hem friska och med massor av erfarenhet och minnen med i bagaget.

Anonymous said...

Hej på er tjejer....Allt verkar ju kanon,förutom att Jennifer inte mår så bra...lycka till på söndag,det kommer gå kanon...Är så glad idag, för jag har pratat med dig Mickis, fick mig en släng av din härliga irroni...du är så skön Mickis....
Ha det så bra nu med ödlorna och alla andra små djuren kram från Mickis mamma

Anonymous said...

Krya på dig Jennifer

Kram från Mickis mamma

Anonymous said...

Krya på dig gumman. Lili har också tappat rösten så hon har fått mimat i dagrna tre. Annars allt bra här med oss i svedala.
Jobbet kommer du att klara galant.
Kramar Mostis