The trip was both hectic and boring from time to time, hahaha. Hectic as hell in frankfurt and boring on the last flight to Sydney from Abu Dhabi. We don't even know how long that flight was, we just ate and slept when we felt like it and when being served.
Sandra and her family is really amazing! So nice and sweet. the first thing she did was to get us at the airport and then take us on sightseeing so that we wouldn't fall asleep :) we saw it all in like an hour or so. hehehe.
After that we went to se Clare at her flat and had some tea. we brought her and her friend Jeff with us to auntie Sandra for a Barbeque lunch :D An awesome lunch!
Sandra made us some maps so that we wouldn't get lost during our promenades around her neighborhood. So we've now seen the small beach at the river, the village next to her and we've also slept like 20 hours :D guess we were tired. *giggle*
And to my family: We'll try to type as much as we can but right now we are "guests" here and it would be strange to sit in front of the computer all the time ;) it will change as soon as we get our own place. promise! and i do miss all of you a lot! alskar er alla! :)
Vi saknar dig också.
Vi älkar dig också.
Bra att allt gick bra.
Lycka till att hitta jobb båda två.
Kramar från mostis
Älskar heter det och inget annat.
Hej brudar!
Härligt att ni är framme och allt är väl. Vilka underbara bilder, man kan nästan inte tro att ni är så långt borta. Blommorna bakom Jennifer är så vackra har aldrig sett sådana tidigare, kolla upp namnet på dom åt mig. Kramar åt er båda och lycka till än en gång.Älskar dig med Jennifer puss.
Hej tjejer!
Skönt att höra att Ni kommit fram ordentligt! Och vilken tur Ni har som blir så bra omhändertagna! Sköt om Er ch NJUT!!!!! Älskar Dig med:-) Kram till Er båda/A-K
Hej brudar!
Hoppas ni har det riktigt bra over there...gör inget som jag inte skulle gjort häls Niklas (Mr Gottsundabadet) :)
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