So, as you all may know already..... I am going to BALI tomorrow morning :D And the cutest thing is that aunty Sandra is driving me to the airport even though I said I will be fine on the train. She is an angel that one! Today I went up early to do the laundry before I leave. Yay.... hahaha! But it needed to be done :)
The rest of the day I've spent in the city sorting things out. Things like; Number to the airline, money exchange, checked to see if my bankcard works abroad (which it did), checked to see if my SIM card works in Indonesia (it does not), investigated how much it would cost me to make my tattoo (100-120 Aus$), asked if my hotel was on the right side of the island (which it is), Got the paperwork sorted to get my superannuation back in the future, and I also enjoyed a bright and sunny, warm Sydney day :D Beautiful!
So the rest of the evening is going to be dedicated to the art of packing. Some ironing and sewing too. And then tomorrow at 9:55 in the morning I will be on a plane out of here :) Beaches and relaxation! I feel that I am definitely worth it! Now some e-mail answering time and then I need to get cracking :)
Toodels everyone! See you in a week ;D
23 April 2010
22 April 2010
Interesting.... hahahaha ;D
Daily Tarot Card
Page of Cups
I just find these Daily tarot cards entertaining :) so if anyone know a youthful boy with the promise of life and love, send him over for gods sake! ;D
Bali is getting Closer and I have a whole day tomorrow dedicated to sorting things out. Bankcards, phone cards, money exchange, tattoo booking (if it's not too expensive), etc etc.
I am super excited about Bali and it is going to be nice to see the Brown family again :D
Hope my cold gets a bit better before I leave on Saturday, hate flying with that shit.....
BALI BALI BALI, Here I come :D
18 April 2010
Kaos and fun times
Been a while since my last update now again and I have my reasons. will tell you all about it in a sec. But lets start from the beginning!
I did have a whole week off from work due to Easter and all of that. I really enjoyed my time off and me and Tessa tried to get together and do loads of touristy stuff :)
7/4-2010: We went to the Power House. was great fun! Especially the 80's exhibition where we got nostalgic and took photos of everything! Hahaha! It soon hit us that it was a bit terrible to be so old that your whole childhood was in a museum xD
I think we managed to see all of the exhibitions, including ; Space, Furniture, Old clothes, new clothes, technique etc etc.

We all walked up to Kings Cross and on the way over we literally bumped in to "The mad butcher" AKA; Peter Charles Leitch. He is an honorary league ambassador for the Vodafone Warriors, and both the Auckland and New Zealand Rugby Leagues.
After that we ventured on towards the cross. The problem was that one or two of the boys looked a bit scruffy and drunk so they weren't allowed in anywhere. So we just had to go to a strip club ;D hahahaha! Me and Tessa felt that we needed to take the boys to see some strippers whilst in the Cross, aren't we great friends!?
After the strip club Tessa went back on the last train to Oatly since she was working on the Saturday. I stayed out with a couple of the boys and we went to my old workplace "Goldfish". Had some good fun in there! That is until I lost the boys and I was all by myself. I decided that I have had enough and I went out to grab a cab back home. All of a sudden I woke up, lying in the arms of a cab driver calling an ambulance!!!! I had no idea what happened but the taxi driver told me he saw a guy hitting me from behind whilst I was hailing down a cab. WHAT THE FUCK! I went in and out of consciousness until the Ambulance came and the hit and the fall made me sick so I spewed all the time. Not so very YUMMY! Got taken to the hospital and they said that I had a concussion going on. They took some tests and then they let me wait around for 5 hours before I decided that I just wanted to go home, have a shower and then sleep for days! So I tried to wash up as much as I could and then I left the hospital.
That same evening when me and Tessa was just lying around doing nothing it was a knock on the door. The police had found out where I lived and they just wanted to check up on how I was, which was very nice of them! And they also asked me if I wanted to press charges. Since I had no idea whom this person hitting me over the head from behind was I decided not to.
I am feeling all good today and it all feels like a weird dream. I am very happy the dude didn't decide to stab me in the back with a knife and now I can also say that I have been in an ambulance in Sydney xD hahahahaha! One has to see the good in everything, otherwise you do go insane!
Been Working for a couple of days last week when I felt good enough and this upcoming week I am working for for days, 9 hours a day. Friday I have off to get ready for Bali on Saturday! YAY! God I deserve some rest ;)
Yesterday me, Tessa and Alex went to Dave's for his "back to school" themed birthday party. I went as the school nurse, Tessa as a teacher and Alex as a school boy. Seemed like most of the guys dressed up as girls and vice versa :D Had some nice conversation, good food and drinks and some great laughs. Guess there will be some photos coming up soon since Dave had a camera that got passed around the entire evening :D
I did have a whole week off from work due to Easter and all of that. I really enjoyed my time off and me and Tessa tried to get together and do loads of touristy stuff :)
7/4-2010: We went to the Power House. was great fun! Especially the 80's exhibition where we got nostalgic and took photos of everything! Hahaha! It soon hit us that it was a bit terrible to be so old that your whole childhood was in a museum xD
I think we managed to see all of the exhibitions, including ; Space, Furniture, Old clothes, new clothes, technique etc etc.

9/4-2010: Ok so here comes the story of Friday the 9:th.
Tessa came home from work and I was all dolled up ready to go out with her to meet her NZ friends visiting in Sydney.
We went to a BYO Korean place in China town and waited for the boys to show up. We all got drunk and we had a hell of a good time!
We went to a BYO Korean place in China town and waited for the boys to show up. We all got drunk and we had a hell of a good time!

After that we ventured on towards the cross. The problem was that one or two of the boys looked a bit scruffy and drunk so they weren't allowed in anywhere. So we just had to go to a strip club ;D hahahaha! Me and Tessa felt that we needed to take the boys to see some strippers whilst in the Cross, aren't we great friends!?
After the strip club Tessa went back on the last train to Oatly since she was working on the Saturday. I stayed out with a couple of the boys and we went to my old workplace "Goldfish". Had some good fun in there! That is until I lost the boys and I was all by myself. I decided that I have had enough and I went out to grab a cab back home. All of a sudden I woke up, lying in the arms of a cab driver calling an ambulance!!!! I had no idea what happened but the taxi driver told me he saw a guy hitting me from behind whilst I was hailing down a cab. WHAT THE FUCK! I went in and out of consciousness until the Ambulance came and the hit and the fall made me sick so I spewed all the time. Not so very YUMMY! Got taken to the hospital and they said that I had a concussion going on. They took some tests and then they let me wait around for 5 hours before I decided that I just wanted to go home, have a shower and then sleep for days! So I tried to wash up as much as I could and then I left the hospital.
That same evening when me and Tessa was just lying around doing nothing it was a knock on the door. The police had found out where I lived and they just wanted to check up on how I was, which was very nice of them! And they also asked me if I wanted to press charges. Since I had no idea whom this person hitting me over the head from behind was I decided not to.
I am feeling all good today and it all feels like a weird dream. I am very happy the dude didn't decide to stab me in the back with a knife and now I can also say that I have been in an ambulance in Sydney xD hahahahaha! One has to see the good in everything, otherwise you do go insane!
Been Working for a couple of days last week when I felt good enough and this upcoming week I am working for for days, 9 hours a day. Friday I have off to get ready for Bali on Saturday! YAY! God I deserve some rest ;)
Yesterday me, Tessa and Alex went to Dave's for his "back to school" themed birthday party. I went as the school nurse, Tessa as a teacher and Alex as a school boy. Seemed like most of the guys dressed up as girls and vice versa :D Had some nice conversation, good food and drinks and some great laughs. Guess there will be some photos coming up soon since Dave had a camera that got passed around the entire evening :D
05 April 2010
I've had a beautiful couple of first days in Oatley!
Been walking around the neighbourhood with Tessa, got my hair cut in Bondi Junction (I am just in love with that place), and yesterday we went to the Northern beaches to pay Tessa's friend a visit :)
Before we got picked up, me and Tessa had a walk around in Manly and I found a Scandinavian shop! They did have the Swedish candy but I decided I wanted something else instead. something I've been wanting for a long long time.

I am just in love with my necklace :D
and why did I choose the rings I chose? Hmmmm... Well it is after these things I function. Dream a little about it, then just fucking do it ;D
After the necklace was bought we met up with Tessa's friend. She took us out for some touristy sightseeing and we ended up seeing loads of beaches and pretty views!
Apparently none of them could believe that I've never had fish and chips before, so that was what we had for lunch :)
Saw a couple of beaches that day including Palm beach (where they film "home and away").
We also had a nice beach walk that evening, just acting like kids, doing sand angels, poking weird things with sticks and so on and so on :)
When we were going home at around six o'clock, Tessa's friend decided that she wanted to join us. So we had a little road trip to Oatly! When we finally got there after some detours to the cross and Hurstville we baked an crumble apple cake and saw "Sauna". Pretty good Finnish/Russian movie that I think you all should see. After that we went to bed around 11 o'clock. We are such good kinds ;)
Today I am off to Bondi to pay G a visit. Sweet as.
Been walking around the neighbourhood with Tessa, got my hair cut in Bondi Junction (I am just in love with that place), and yesterday we went to the Northern beaches to pay Tessa's friend a visit :)
Before we got picked up, me and Tessa had a walk around in Manly and I found a Scandinavian shop! They did have the Swedish candy but I decided I wanted something else instead. something I've been wanting for a long long time.
I am just in love with my necklace :D
and why did I choose the rings I chose? Hmmmm... Well it is after these things I function. Dream a little about it, then just fucking do it ;D
After the necklace was bought we met up with Tessa's friend. She took us out for some touristy sightseeing and we ended up seeing loads of beaches and pretty views!
Saw a couple of beaches that day including Palm beach (where they film "home and away").
We also had a nice beach walk that evening, just acting like kids, doing sand angels, poking weird things with sticks and so on and so on :)
When we were going home at around six o'clock, Tessa's friend decided that she wanted to join us. So we had a little road trip to Oatly! When we finally got there after some detours to the cross and Hurstville we baked an crumble apple cake and saw "Sauna". Pretty good Finnish/Russian movie that I think you all should see. After that we went to bed around 11 o'clock. We are such good kinds ;)
Today I am off to Bondi to pay G a visit. Sweet as.
01 April 2010
Bliss :)
Ten of Pentacles
Affluence all around you. Wealth of spirit and resources. Plenty to share with loved ones and friends. Financial security has been reached. Time to create a foundation that will secure wealth for long-term. Family life is in order. Cycle is at an end and you can be satisfied with your work. Stability is at hand. Relax and enjoy time with your loved ones.
Ahhhh, what to say what to say :)
Tomorrow I am moving in with aunty Sandra and it will be sooooooo nice to move out of this place. Will not miss it a bit :)
And the fact that I have my next upcoming 5 weeks planned and sorted makes me feel super happy.
So Oatly here I come! And a week off from work does make it all a whole lot better!
Looks like me and Tessa is heading off to the Northern beaches on Sunday to a friend of hers and we'll be spending the night too. Sounds like great fun! Hope the weather is great this week. Have so many things I want to do :)
Bliss bliss bliss! 10 o'clock tomorrow I will be out of here! :D
Ahhhh, what to say what to say :)
Tomorrow I am moving in with aunty Sandra and it will be sooooooo nice to move out of this place. Will not miss it a bit :)
And the fact that I have my next upcoming 5 weeks planned and sorted makes me feel super happy.
So Oatly here I come! And a week off from work does make it all a whole lot better!
Looks like me and Tessa is heading off to the Northern beaches on Sunday to a friend of hers and we'll be spending the night too. Sounds like great fun! Hope the weather is great this week. Have so many things I want to do :)
Bliss bliss bliss! 10 o'clock tomorrow I will be out of here! :D
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