30 December 2008
Happy new year! (soon)
My foot is still broken. Guess it is because I killed my leading tendent two times before. Makes them easier to hurt. The bad thing about that is obvious and tha good thing about it is that I can't work new years eve with it. Hope it gets better soon so that I don't have to be away from work a longer time, since I love it! :D
Tomorrow is the big day and me and Michaela are going to look soooooooo cute. Me in a blue dress and her in a champagne coloured one. Planning on meeting the others on a blanket as close to the bridge and opera house as possible :) Feels strange to know that we are going to celebrate New years 10 hours before you guys back in Sweden... but well well :D
I am actually thinking about staying here for as long as I can, hope you guys don't hate me too much when I say that... But i do enjoy this town soooo much! The people, the weather, the closeness to everything and just the fact that I like my job. hmmm but we'll have to see I guess. I just wanted to wish all of you a happy new year and I hope that you all are good and happy!
Biggest of kisses!
29 December 2008
Call mum!
Julen ar slut. Det marks knappt har, forutom att varat pepparkakshus rasade samman pa juldagen eller annandagen. Hur ar det dar hemma? Springer alla runt pa mellandagsrean tro?
26 December 2008
En javla massa jul!
Wonderful Christmas time. We had a nice Christmas after all and we got to celebrate it twice :D On Christmas eve we were at Karin and her boyfriends house eating loads of candy and food! We actually made a really nice risgrynsgrot out of sushi rice :) We even danced around the Christmas tree! Well i didn't, i filmed it all and laughed so hard i almost died instead :D Hopefully we can upload our films later on but now it takes toooooooo long so we don't have the time for it in the Internet cafe. When we came home after a long Christmas celebrating and loads of candy I found a package on my bed from my mom :) the funny book "gamla tanter lagger inga agg" and a very nice letter that made me feel all warm inside. thanks mom :D
On Christmas day we slept and slept, well at least tried to with the whole house full of Irish people..... In the afternoon we went to auntie Sandra and had a wonderful Aussie/new Zealand Christmas! Ham, turkey, salmon, the most wonderful tuna ever, and plenty plenty more :) they even bought us all some new Zealand food items as Christmas gifts :) I just love them, they are so friendly and wonderful people!
Now I guess me, Michaela, Harry and David are going to the beach to relax a bit here on boxing day. Hope you guys are good back at home!
23 December 2008
22 December 2008
God jul alla som jag saknar! :)
Guess all of you know that I messed up my foot a tiny bit... God I am such a cluts, the biggest cluts ever really! But I just sprained it a bit and it is kind of back to normal now, so I can work tonight :)
We had a Swedish Christmas lunch with Clare, auntie Sandra and Chris this Sunday. We made some meatballs, sausages, "mammas potatisgratang" ;), egg halves, gingerbread, beat root salad. It was yummy and it gave me and Michaela a Chance to know what to get for Christmas eve with 4 other swedes :)
I hanged around with Clare a couple of days ago drinking coffee and meeting up with her other friend Clare. haha. too many Clares :D Just chatting and catching up a bit before she left us all and went back to New Zealand over Christmas and new years.
Yesterday i hanged around with Amy for a while and visited her workmates. Had a blast mixing mentoes and diet coke to try to make it explode, but we failed miserably ^^ Had some drinks and good conversation and went back home around 12 at night. And i did find a mattress on the way back that I dragged with me home so that Michaela's friends don't have to sleep on the floor :D
Today i am taking a stroll down to the park to read and study the menu a bit, then i am off to work at 5.
off off off I go!
Oh and merry Christmas my loves!
19 December 2008
Snabb uppdatering!
Da sitter man har igen och knappar pa tangentbordet.Varmt idag, igen.Och man trottnar faktiskt inte, inte an i alla fall. Var ute igar med tjejerna, drog till Circular Quey och dansade salsa och det var superkul! Mindre kul ar att Jennifer har gjort illa en fot:(
Annars ar det jobb for min del ikvall och det ar kul, forutom dem dar jakla hogklackade skorna. Suck, dem kommer doda mig! Ni far ursakta att det blir ett sant haffsigt inlagg men jag har inte atit frukost an(kl 12 pa dagen) for att nagra grabbar vi bor med inte kan diska(finns bara 3 skalar). Och jag tanker inte diska at dem, men det ska dem fa hora ikvall. Det lovar jag.
Michaela,Amy,Christie,Jennifer on rooftop with
Opera house and Harbour Bridge behind
15 December 2008
A little bit tired from my crazy weekend :D
Well me and Michaela are doing plenty of different things right now since we aren't working the same days as each other. Guess that is both good and bad. Good because we get a break from each other and bad cause we can't do as much things together anymore and the fact that the cab cost goes through the roof if we don't share it home after work.
I had a crazy weekend... ouuuff....
Friday i met up with Clare and had some wine. Michaela met up with us after she finished working and we had a blast :D was so nice talking to Clare and catching up! And she had made the cutest gingerbread cookies ever! I am going to take a pic of them and post it on FB as soon as I remember to get the cord to the camera with me to the Internet cafe :D
I worked Saturday but stayed after work with the four managers. well one of them left early :) Me and Dartan (bartender) stayed and had some drinks. trying out a lot of different ones since Ben would want us to know the difference between them. wow we go a bit drunk i tell you. and all of a sudden it was 2 o'clock in the middle of the day! oh god.. to make a long story short.... I went to bed at 3 in the afternoon the day after. hahaha. had a blast though. Now I am off to get some lunch and then I start working at 5. woooooaaaaa. and the big opening is tomorrow. Going to be loads of fun :D
Loads of kisses!
Den har helgen har jag spenderat mycket tid med mig sjalv. Jennifer har jobbat och har sovit hela dagarna, sa jag har fatt gora mina utflykter sjalv. Men det har ju sjalvklart gatt hur bra som helst! Sen att jag inte kommer ihag hur min rost later nar jag inte hort den pa en hel dag ar en annan 5a. Fredagen jobbade jag till 22 och kom hem till lagenheten dar jag fann flatemates och Clare, sota lilla Clare, hon hade bakat pepparkakor till oss! Vi drog i alla fall ut en snabbis pa en krog i krokarna dar vi bor. Trevligt, men jag var supertrott efter jobbet.
Pa lordagen sa blev det stadsvandring, jag gjorde allt! Var nere i hamnen, botaniska tradgarden med fladdermoss(huuuh), gick aven upp till Opera huset och pa sa satt sa hamnar man i Circular Quey, darifran gar alla farjor och ar mycket mysigt!
Sondagen sa tog jag mitt pick och pack och satte mig pa en buss som skulle ta mig till en beach som heter Bronte. Den ligger nagra kilometer ifran varan beach som vi brukar ga till. Jattefint var det dar! Clare hade aven berattat att man kan ga kustvagen tillbaka till Bondi, sa da gjorde jag det, och sa vackert det var! Utsikten var otrolig! Nagra kilometers promenad dar och nar jag kom hem sa drog killarna och jag och sparkade lite boll. Mycket bra helg i sin helhet!
Och i morgon, tisdag, ar det invigning och det ska bli superspannande! Den har veckan har jag 4 arbetspass och jag hoppas att det fortsatter sa, lagom mycket jobb! Skot om er dar hemma och jag alskar era kommentarer, det ar ju ni som gor det vart att skriva! Puss pa er!
12 December 2008
For jag har bara regn hos mig *sjunger*
Work is going good and we are getting loads of compliments both of us. Everything from compliments about our dresses to our great personality ;D And what to say, we like it!
Since work is taking so much from our time right now we haven't had time to do so many interesting things other then study wine lists, cocktails, menus, beers and champagne to learn EVERYTHING! But it feels kind of good to test your boundaries :)
I was working alone Monday as a waitress at Goldfish which was strange since we always have someone that opens and the other one closes. hmm.. but all went well and I was happy other then the fact that I wanted to chop my feet off ;D
A couple of days ago I went to meet Karin (a Swedish girl from work), her boyfriend and Michaela after work was done. We had a blast drinking some strange wine and eating great food :D
Tonight i am meeting up with a girl I worked with at the big sale out, Tone. And god she is loads of fun and so nice! And she looks like SUSSI! insane... Then Clare is going to come too and Karin, her boyfriend, Christy and her friend :D Poor Michaela is going to work but I guess she is meeting up with us later ^^
The 16:Th is the big opening at goldfish, that is going to be exciting!
But for now..... Take care darlings!
Varat fina hus. Samt Vardagsrummet
08 December 2008
Forsta dagen pa Goldfish!
05 December 2008
Foodtastings and sofisticated coctail gatherings
Other than that we have been tasting drinks and the menu at Goldfish. And all I can say is that it is Yummo! And one of the bartender guys ain't that shabby either ;D
Yesterday I went out with some of the girls from work to go out for a couple of drinks, we managed to get our boss Ben out when we told him that he was going to have an entourage of 6 girls following him around. hahahahaha. Well we had a blast! Nice drinks and some pool playing at the last place we went to. Guess the pictures are going to pop up as soon as we remember to ask about the Internet... *Gaaaaaaaah*
What else.. hmmmm.... I had to screw the whole vaccumcleaner apart since the lads had broke it.. or well Keith.... damn you Keith ;D It was more dust and hair in the fans and filters than in the actual dust bag -_- well well what to do what to do...
Other then that I have managed to get really sick.. barley have a voice at all which is annoying. Especially since I start working on Sunday.. And talking about work and all, had a really bad day there when we were going to carry trays around with drinks on them :( I'm on a pill which makes you shake like hell, which doesn't really make it easier for me. I just felt like such an idiot and a looser. :( going to try to work with it I guess, but it was damn hard.. well well. *sigh*
Hope you guys are good back home.
big hugs!!
03 December 2008
Ballerina,Pepparkakor, Amy, Jennifer och Karin
Pepparkakshus o Knackebrod,
29 November 2008
Moving, getting work and parties ;)
And we were at a work interview this week also. The whole thing was quite funny really cause it was the first job that I actually put some effort in to writing the CV and cover letter. The manager called me the day after I mailed him and wanted me to come for an interview :D And since Michaela needed a job also I asked him if she could get an interview to. And she could.
I guess the interview went good cause we got jobs as waiters at this classy cocktail bar in the middle of Kings Cross!
Yesterday we were there for some training. Learning how to serve champagne in the proper way and tasting loads of drinks so that we know what they taste like so that we can suggest drinks for the people coming there.
I just still can't get the fact that it is such a classy place! We are supposed to wear black clothes and shoes with at least a small heal on them. We're going to look sooooooo good ;D
The big opening is on Wednesday and there is going to be cameras, celebrities and everything! God we are so excited and the boss is a really cool guy /man! First time ever I get the feeling I will like it there a lot! Haven't been this happy in a long long while :D
We've been out partying too, yesterday. With one of our flatmates Sean. His friends were a bit ermmmm annoying but I can take care of myself and that's a good thing ;D
Now we are off to go to get some food for dinner.
God i miss you all so much, you should move here ;D
Big kiss!!!
23 November 2008
Sista inlagget fran Clares!
Veckan som varit har varit full med aventyr. Renoveringen i onsdags var helskon och kul och verkligen pa sin plats! I gar var vi ut pa en lokal pub i Glebe och hade tjejkvall, valdigt skoj! Men vet inte om jag vagar lagga upp bilder ;) Skoja!
Nasta vecka ska vi jobba rumporna av oss, tror jag. Hur manga timmar som helst i alla fall och massor med pengar pa det! Kommer nog ett inlagg fran Jennifer i veckan, sa ni vet vad det ar for slags jobb. For det vet inte vi nu heller.
En sista lunch hos underbara Clare och Liz som latit oss bo hos dem hela veckan.
20 November 2008
ohhhhh yeah!
The place is really close to the train station, so that will make things easier in the hunt for jobs :) We do have jobs for next week as Michaela said but a permanent job to go to after that wouldn't be all that bad. hehehehe.
All of this day has been spent in front of the computer searching every job site possible, applying to everything that looks interesting and even to the ones that looks like crap ;D
I guess we're going to put some photos up of the room as soon as we move in on Sunday.
Loads of hugs and kisses!
19 November 2008
Makeover och Bussmisstag
Vi letar lagenheter for fullt och ska kolla pa en ikvall efter att vi har klippt oss. Bade Jennifer och jag ar i stort behov av renovering. Det ar nog det lyxigaste vi har rad med for tillfallet.
Vadret har kanns lite som en besvikelse just nu. Igar gick vi i osregn till taget hem kl 22 pa kvallen. Inte alls som vi forestallt oss. Det var ju darfor vi lamnade Sverige ;) Hoppas snart att vadergudarna tar hand om oss som vi vill, lar val bli bra vader nasta vecka da bade jag och Jen ska fa jobba pa ett varuhus utforsaljning. Man-Son och massor med pengar for det. Pa riktigt nastan 2 veckors lon. Sa det ar vi valdigt tacksamma for! ;)
Fortsatt kommentera, det ar hur kul som helst att hora av er fran lilla Sverige!
17 November 2008
Appartement hunt!
hopefully we will have our own place to stay in a week and also a working place. Money is always an issue ;D
Big kiss to you all and to my family : I love you loads!
16 November 2008
Halloj alla trogna lasare!
Har har vi det bara bra, har varit pa marknad i dag, Jennifer, Clare och jag och haft en riktig heldag i Glebe. Det ar har vi bor nu. Lamnade trygga fororten igar och bor just nu med Clare, hennes roomie, och tva tjejer till. Sa ganska mycket brudar om man sager sa! Men det ar val bara for en vecka eller sa. Sa fort vi hittar nat bra stalle att bo pa, sa drar vi;)
Soker jobb for fullt och hoppas att vi far provjobba nanstanns nasta vecka.
Inga bilder idag, men det kommer nog snart.
Ta hand om er dar hemma! Puss och kram!
14 November 2008
RSA completed
13 November 2008
Taronga ZOO
12 November 2008
Confused but chilling ;D
11 November 2008
Sydney tour 2
10 November 2008
23 October 2008
She's leaving..
17 September 2008
WHV = Approved ;)
Visum fixat och avklarat! Såååå satans skönt! Nu är det bara sätta sig på planet och dra snart :D
04 September 2008
No turning back
The Ticket is now payed for and we got a sweet deal. 12600 swe kr for the tickets! And if we want to we can rebook the trip if we want to stay longer then 5 months. We leave Friday the 7:th of November and the trip back home is now set to April the 6:th :) God we were so excited yesterday when we payed for the trip and got the sweet deal. He is now helping us with our Visas also :D I just couldn´t stop shaking! We had to go sit down at a cafe to calm down a bit, eating a muffin and drinking a big latte. And thanks for the coffee hun!
I just hope that my father doesn´t get to unhappy about me leaving :( and I hope that all of the people around me doesn´t think that I am leaving cause I don´t like them, I am leaving to experience something new and get some time alone to figure things out :) I love you all and I will miss you to death!
And I do want to thank Clare again. You and your aunt, who is going to take us in a coupple of days, are just amazing! Make sure to tell her that, will you :D
01 September 2008
Swedish writer vs English writer
27 August 2008
It just Became reality! :D
I just booked me and Michaela's tickets to Sydney! It all just became so real at that moment, and damn hell I am happy!
<(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)>
So, we are going the 7:th of November. On Michaelas 20th birthday unfortunately :-/ I forgot what day it was when I booked the tickets, so I hope she doesn´t hate me now >.<
We got the trip for under 13,5k swe kr . Which is good, and we can rebook the trip home if everything falls apart down there, for 50$. And the guys at the travel agency are going to help us with our Visa application to. I just say hallelujah to the fact that I have an aunt that has been working there a short period of time. That's why everything went so smoooooooth :D
Now I just need someone to rent my apartment for six months, any suggestions? ;D
And one more thing! Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
22 August 2008
I met up with Michaela yesterday at my appartement. We ate some good food and just chatted to get to know eachother better. Cause we really don´t know eachother that well, this is the third time I see her actually. But the thing is that I feel good about it, no red warningflag or nothing :)
After the meal we soon figured out that getting an appartement and a job before we get down is impossible. At every workplace they wanted someone asap! And it was the same with places to stay. But we are lucky as hell! Clare,my little kiwigirl from new zealand, told me that she could squeeze us in for a week, Topz! She livs in Sydney so that is just great! 9 kilometers from Bondi Beach! YAY!
In the beginning of November we are off if everything goes as we planned ofc ;)